• There is no limitation pertaining to foreign equity participation. Foreign investors or companies can setup business and industries at any commercial place in the country. Foreign entrepreneurs are, therefore, entitled to the same facilities as domestic entrepreneurs with respect to location, tax holiday, payment of royalty, technical know-how fees etc..

    Our Services including but not limited to:

    ✔ Data provide about present market and investment opportunity,
    ✔ Data provide about market players and strategic of competition,
    ✔ Provide information about proper climates and business opportunity,
    ✔ Guideline and demonstrate for investment process and steps,
    ✔ Provide authentic information about litigation requirements and obligations,
    ✔ Provide reference about rules and regulations,
    ✔ Provide reference books and web address about rules and regulations,
    ✔ Arrange meeting with government authority,
    ✔ Issue Invitation to obtained business visa,
    ✔ Arrange welcome service at Airport provided by the Govt. authority,
    ✔ Arrange faster departure in the airport for respective investors.

  • RPS has extensive experience in foreign investment guidelines and procedures in Bangladesh. RPS assists the primary information to the international investors and managers in the Bangladesh market about suitable location, land, office...

    Our Services including but not limited to:

    ✔ Market location and positioning,
    ✔ Suitable place for setup factory or office,
    ✔ Land sourcing,
    ✔ Warehouse sourcing and renting,
    ✔ Introduce reputed media company to find office and apartment,
    ✔ Reasonable International and community hotel (specially Chinese Hotel)
    ✔ Car Renting Company,
    ✔ Translator (English, Chinese, Malay, France),
    ✔ Initial supportive staffs.

  • Proper documentation and its logical arrangements of steps that are essential to successfully completing a task and achieving a desirable outcome…
    ..Knowing what must be accomplished in order for the process to be productive helps to set parameters in terms of time and the use of resources in completing essential tasks within the process…

    Our Services including but not limited to:

    ✔ Drafting initial documents for company setup,
    ✔ Drafting documents to open Bank accounts,
    ✔ Prepare documents to obtain required License and permission,
    ✔ Fill-up forms prescribed by the government authorities,
    ✔ Online date input and attached documents in the respective Govt. website.
    ✔ Drafting appraisal report required by Board of Investment,
    ✔ Prepare ETP, IEE and EMP for Environmental clearance.

  • Do you know how many licenses your company owns? Do you know how many use it? Does anybody in your company have a good handle on your licensing? If the answers are "no," "no" and "no," you may find yourself paying large penalties for your improper licensing..
    ...There is no such thing as a typical license. They're all different and vary with each company. The variations on where and when you might need a license to legally use it for what are also almost endless…

    Our Services including but not limited to:

    ✔ Obtaining the approvals on the name of their Investment from RJSC.
    ✔ Preparing and submitting all required documents and studies from Investors which required by BIDA.
    ✔ Obtaining all required Licenses and permission from competent authorities.
    ✔ Process Nominee directorship, share transfer, increase authorize & paid up capital,
    ✔ Prepare Memorandum & Article of Association.
    ✔ Permission from Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA).
    ✔ Permission from Central Bank or Concern Bank of government.
    ✔ Prepare Project Profile & Expected budget for big industry.
    ✔ Permission for machineries & equipment's import & export.
    ✔ Bank account opening, Fund transfer, Remittance issue , Bank certificate/ Encashment certificate.

  • Every day Government rules have to upgrade and make global standard. Tomorrow's will be even more so. To thrive in this change, you'll need an operations litigations consulting partner with demonstrated day to day up gradation and global reach and expertise...
    … RPS on their ability to convincingly articulate logical statements about current and future change, innovation, Government needs to comply litigation requirements properly….

    Our Services including but not limited to:

    ✔ Assistance Quarterly report to Central Bank, BOI and Tax authority
    ✔ Renewal all license, permission and registration,
    ✔ Communicate with licensing and monitoring agency about their quarries,
    ✔ to determine logical link of documentation.